John Adams fears fulfilled

Art Rude
7 min readNov 5, 2020

I know most Americans think of their form of Government as the two party system, but it didn’t start that way, and the Founders feared Political Parties. Finally, we are seeing why. I have talked to many people over the years about their perceptions of the political parties asI have been concerned over the increasing divide and the effect on the system for over 40 years. Most of the people over the years, just assume political parties are legitimate institutions in our governement. They are not. If enough citizens demanded it, both major political parties could be outlawed, no amendment to the constitution required. Please read the Constitution with the Bill of Rights, the Constitution would never have been ratified without those guarantees of citizen rights. If you read, you will find no provision for political parties. POLITICAL PARTIES HAVE NO RIGHTS, YOU DO!

Recently I had a couple of friends come down on me for calling the political parties unconstitutional. They are. Unfortunately, my friends have a very limited definition, and I am sorry they have to carry such a limited view. Of course I think the same of citizens who have surrendered their sovereignty to a political party. Why limit your view so? The two party system has become trench warfare, and if you never thought about it, your viewpoint is limited in a trench. And it’s not just the trench, it’s the other trench, the trench of the enemy that consumes the attention.

Simple English. The prefix un means not. The term Constitutional most commonly means “in the Constitution” i.e. You have Constitutional rights. As no provision is made for political parties, they are not in the Constitution, therefore unconstitutional. Simple. The point is, and why I will unapologetically continue to unconstitutional as most people have been misled to believe the political parties ARE the government, and therefore cannot be changed! If the political parties are part of the constitutional government, why did the second American President, the spark plug behind the American Revolution, state his greatest fear the creation of political parties? The quote posted is from the third presidential term, Adams first and unfortunately, Adams fears started to come to fruition. For the election of 1800, Jefferson and Madison organized the first political party, secretly, as political parties were considered evil by the colonists. They called it the Democratic Republican party which I find so ironic, as they organized because they feared Hamilton and merchant class. Although they are referred to as the Federalist Party by those who have misled, in fact is the Federalists didn’t need to organize. They had Hamilton, they simply followed him as all the merchants wanted trade, the multiple currencies prohibited trade, so they wanted a strong government with a strong currency so trade could progress. All the boats were pointed in the same direction with Hamilton at the helm, and Jefferson and Madison saw the American Revolution negated by Hamilton, and saw no way to stop him without organizing. That is the birth of political parties and the beginning of America’s demise. Simple organization was not sufficient for success, but as the Republicans (although Jefferson and Madison called it the Democratic Republican party, most now refer to them as the Republicans) did the math and for the election of 1800 initiated winner take all in Virginia, as the Republicans could see no path to victory without it.

The seeds of the two party system had been planted, watered, and fertilized, and the fertilizer has never stopped. What political parties always do, and have done for centuries now (I’m talking throughout the world and all history) is only take the facts that are consistent with their point of view. An opposing party does the same, hence each party has their own facts, always have, because they are always partial facts. Why would a political party give credence to any information factual or not, that doesn’t support their bias? They don’t. Partial facts become the whole truth to the political addict. Great Britain’s parties were the most applicable to the new country. The British had political parties, hated by the colonists, many blamed the political parties in England for the need for a revolution in the first place!

I remember when being a Democrat or a Republican was simply a different point of view. Although agreement was seldom, participants understood there was merit in the opposing argument, and that opposing argument probably had voters in their district, and commonly middle ground could be found. It’s a fond memory, back when the two party system still functioned, people could still discuss issues, and citizens could joke about the differences. Glad I remember it, it will never happen again. Now it’s war. Each side has what it calls facts, but these facts are usually opposite! How is this possible? It’s not. Political parties don’t need facts, partial fact has always been what political parties do, but today rumors do fine. The facts each side believes are not facts at all, they are partial facts at best, today amplified by rumors readily accepted by the polar addicted, if the rumor fits the narrative it must be true. We should now know why the Founders feared political parties, it has consumed the country and draws us apart. I fear violence today, and I know both sides will blame each other. Neither is to blame, it’s always the other guys, just ask any political addict of either flavor.

Political parties don’t want you to think, they want you on the bandwagon, no thinking required, the party bosses do that for you. I think the thing that amazes me most about Political Addicts is how they can so passionately spew out their opinions that are exactly the same as the Political Addicts anywhere in the country, yet to them the opinions are their own! No they’re not, I can get the exactly the same opinion from millions! Either side. I see political parties as bondage. If you are a political addict to either party, you are not thinking independently, you are thinking how to get your drug.

The human brain is amazing. As a teacher, I have always been fascinated with it. It is essentially an amazing Chemical Computer. Change the chemistry of the brain, you change how that brain thinks. Likewise, changes in situations that cause thoughts to change can change the chemistry of the brain. It’s like the chicken and egg argument. The human brain has been called the 3 pound universe, and that is the way I think of it. I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ. I don’t believe in any church. Jesus said “judge not” and there are no more judgemental places on earth than most churches that claim to be Christian. Fortunately, belief is personal and can be delivered directly. Your prayers don’t go through the church, I pray many times through the day. I don’t want to convert you, I want you to have your own faith so your life can be full. Yes that is my bias, I think people with no concept of the spiritual have a very shallow life. But that is their choice.

I had to laugh when a friend said, well, you can’t be right, you don’t have very many followers. Hahaha! I don’t want followers, I want people to stop following and think for themselves! It would be nice if more followed my writing, but the purpose of the writing is to encourage independent thinking! Reject the Political Parties! Choose freedom!

Of course the polarized addicted think they are free, they think they represent freedom as they merrily repeat the opinion of others.. I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t observe it usually daily. So now Americans are forced into two cattle chutes as we head to slaughter. Please reject the parties, think for yourself. When you do, I am sure you will see the parties have drawn us apart, now to the point of criticality. Will you continue to support the Republicans and Democrats as they tear the country apart, or will you choose to consider alternatives? I think it’s time to dump the two party system, I only hope it can be done before the Russians and Iranians push the divide to civil war. I have talked to many who see no way other than war. I prefer reform.

My first choice is a literal interpretation of the Constitution. No parties. Imagine for a second a government closer to the Constitution. Imagine deciding issues based on actual facts in full, not just the portion that reinforces a political bias. Imagine electing officials on their ability to lead instead of their ability to raise money and appease special interests. Imagine terms being limited so office holders that actually are outstanding have a chance to move up! I teach to increase understanding and encourage thinking. I write for the same reasons. I hope at some point partisans can look at the damage they are doing and how the country is pulled apart, and realize they are the ones doing it. I hope people can understand political parties have no Constitutional rights, citizens do.

Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible. As a safety man I learned when a hazard is present, there are two responses appropriate. The first is to remove the hazard. As I have just said, that is my first choice, make decisions based on merit, not party. Of course if you are one of the polar addicted, that is ridiculous, their party has all the merit. I have to laugh, don’t enjoy crying as much. So we must mitigate, if a hazard cannot be removed, we mitigate to minimize the possibility of a negative event. Use the same strategy that has been used on us, divide and conquer. We desperately need a multiparty system. Every other functioning Democracy in the world has them. No one wants a two party system in the world other than the citizens of the United States who have been deluded into believing parties are part of the Constitutional system. They are not. They have no authority other than illusion. I choose to reject the illusion. I prefer the Constitution. If we have to have political parties, at least make it competitive, not trench. Why is competition good for business but bad for political parties? Because the population has been fooled. Adam’s fears are all around us.



Art Rude

Teacher/Author over 30 years in the classroom. Author of "Political Cocaine: How America got hooked on the two party system, and how to intervene"